Documents needed for the Sponsorship

In my experience as a translator, I’ve realized that my clients are often not sure of which documents have to be presented along with their sponsorship application. Although it’s true that every application is unique, I have created this list to orient those who aren’t sure of which documents to get or how to prepare them.

If you want to sponsor your spouse, these are the types of documents you will need.
(Note: if any of these documents are not in English or French, they must be professionally translated)

Spouse’s birth certificate*
Marriage certificate*
Criminal record clearance certificate
Copy of your spouse’s passport or official ID*
Letters from friends and family attesting to how long you’ve had a relationship with your spouse and that it is genuine
Conversations from Whatsapp, Facebook, emails, text messages, etc., demonstrating what was mentioned above
If there are minors to be included in the sponsorship, include their birth certificates and official IDs
Airline tickets that demonstrate how many times you have physically met (if you aren’t in the same country)
* These documents should be certified copies, that means that a notary public or any commissioner for taking affidavits certifies that a copy was taken from the original.

With reference to the Whatsapp and Facebook conversations, it isn’t necessary to include everything; it’s enough to show some conversations of when you first got to know or began speaking to one another; then, show conversations from around the mid-point of your relationship; and finally, the most recent ones. The important thing is to show you have been communicating with each other for the entire time-span you have indicated on your application. The conversations have to show that the relationship you have is one of love and affection; while, at the same time, as with all genuine relationships, yours hasn’t at all times been a perfect one.

There are 2 ways to prepare these conversations. The 1st is to take a screenshot and placing the photos in Word format. The 2nd is to download all of the conversations in text format and then arranging the information in Word format while erasing what you don’t want to include. The will help you when you send them to be translated because this way the translation won’t be so expensive.

As you begin to fill in the sponsorship form, take a deep breath. It’s not difficult, but it takes time and requires paying attention to detail. Be patient and read the instructions so as to not make mistakes. If you don’t have the time to fill in the application yourself, I suggest you contract the services of an immigration professional.

I hope this information has been useful. Let me know if you need help in anything. My husband and I have lots of experience in the translation of documents for immigration purposes and we may be able to orient you with regard to this.